Texas A&M isn't just a well known campus for the strong greek life, it's know for its 800+ organizations that all work to improve the quality of life for people other than themselves. In the Delta Omega Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta, you see this service-oriented group work to change lives as well. Theta member Valerie Whitt is the president of an organization called The Wells Project. This organization 'work[s] to raise awareness and funds for the current water crisis in Africa. Our goal is to reach a thirsty nation for Christ by providing them with clean water to drink and the good news of the gospel so that they might know The Living Water, Jesus. We are partners with Living Water International, which means the money we raise as an organization goes directly to the building of clean water wells in Africa'. Only a Theta could take on that kind of responsibility! Valerie found out about this organization through another Theta, her big sister Dylan Higginbotham. "I didn't know about the water crisis and how big of a deal it really is" Whitt said, I learned that a person dies every thirteen seconds, and that is crazy. Needless to say it broke me."
Through joining The Wells Project Valerie found out how valuable drinking water really is. The process of walking miles to fetch water in third world countries not only affects your physical need, it changes your whole day and family dynamic. Without the ability to be in your home, the family dynamic itself isn't able to develop. When asked why she decided to apply for president of The Wells Project, Whitt said, "College is a time of selfishness, a time all about us... I want to look back at my time in college and know I did something bigger than myself".
Under Valerie is 5 more executive members of The Wells Project, and 4/5 executive members are Thetas. These include Amy Huff (Vice President), Beth Pinto (Event Planner), and Sarah Noland (Campus Outreach). In addition to that current theta members in The Wells Project include myself (Molly Shute), Morgan Mitchell, Allison Cable, Callie Lowe, Brittney Rice, and Devin O'Donnell. Theta's are also seen as a majority in the Wells Project advocates, where volunteering does not make someone a member. 'Thetas help The Wells Project more than people notice, 1/4 of the entire organization is Theta, and this is seen in how they dominate leadership, show up to help and be involved as well as participating in the 10 Days. The amount of help from Theta opened a whole new network!'.
Some of the things The Wells Project includes during the year is the 10 Days concert, art

auctions, and has community, schools, churches and campus teams to expand outreach and knowledge of the current situation in the Water Crisis. During the past summer Valerie went to Guatemala to see first hand the process of building a well. This life-changing moment left her with the thoughts that it isn't just thirst that is the issue, it's that there are diseases in the dirty water and it goes for everyone not just the poorest ones. But needless to say that without Theta this organization wouldn't be as strong as it is today. It is because of people with good hearts like Valerie that make Theta's love and sisterhood so special. Without this, Theta wouldn't be the sorority it is today.