The. House. Everyone's. Talking. About.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Theta's 27th Annual ROCK THE CASA 5K

Suffice to say, this year's ROCK THE CASA was unbelievable. Under the direction of Alex Compton, Teresa Sorentino, Jennifer Madden and Alison Stogner, Theta was given the privilege to raise $61,093 for Scotty's House and CASA on March 31, 2012. All of the proceeds will go directly to these two organizations, who work with abused children locally and nationally.

Theta 5K chairs Alison Stogner, Jennifer Madden, Teresa Sorentino and Alex Compton. These girls worked incredibly hard, putting in several sleepless nights and dedicating their lives to 5K. Congrats on a wonderful event, girls!

One windmill for every abused child in the College Station/Bryan area was planted in the front yard
Seeing the total for the very first time
Due to hard work and lots of late hours, the 5k began with a bang on Saturday morning. Over 1500 residents and students from the College Station/Bryan area and out of town gathered at the Theta house to run for the children.

The race begins!

Several students wore backpacks with speakers so that runners would have music
and messages from sponsors to accompany them on the 3.2 mile run.
The chapter couldn't be more blessed to be given this opportunity to work side-by-side with the community to raise funds for such beautiful organizations. We would like to thank our sponsors and everyone who came out to help us!

She was ready for the race!
It wouldn't have been Theta 5K without our favorite PC '11 twins, Sarah and Megan Smock

Enjoying sisterhood before the race with Amy Payton, Alex Compton,
Cassie Segerson and Rebecca Wilson. 

Nothing like a little Theta fam lovin'. Sarah Shirley, Laura Lyon, Allison Schwarzbach,
Amy Payton, Mary Ann Bilhartz, Katheryn Drake and Madison Suhr.

They mean business. RUN THETA 5K with Mary Martha Klinke
and Ke Wallace

PC '11 worked extremely hard to set up on race day. Way to go!

It's not a Theta event without a pre-dance party

Theta family Halie Hullender, Elizabeth Wegendt, Brittany Guth and Jennifer Madden.

Some of PC '10 excited for the runners to arrive!

If you didn't make it this year, don't forget to sign up next year. It's kind of an annual thing. And we would love to see you there.

1 comment:

  1. I registered and paid for the rock the casa run but was unable to attend.. I emailed the email address listed for the fun run but haven't gotten a response. I am trying to find out if theres a way to get my packet and tshirt? I realize I wasn't there the day of the race but think there should be some way to get it since I paid for it. Please let me know what I shoud do. You can email me back at

    Thank you,
